Performing Arts

Tara Higgins-Pascucci
Troy High School Choir Teacher, Music Department Curriculum Leader

The Performing Arts Department of The Troy City School District is dedicated to providing all students in grades K-12 with a quality Music Education.  Incorporating and supporting the National and State Arts Standards through, singing, performing, improvising, composing, listening, analyzing and relating music to other arts and cultures.

The Troy City Schools Music Department understands that music is an essential part of every student’s education, priding itself on providing a well-rounded music education to all students. A music education that reinforces, creativity, communication skills, teamwork and  self-discipline through diverse music and performing arts experiences.

Our program offers General Music Classes for students in Kindergarten through Grades 6 and 8.

Elementary Schools

Elementary school students receive general music instruction once per week. Students in grade 3 may be instructed in string instruments. Students in Grades 4 and 5 are able to participate in additional programs such as the chorus and/or an instrumental program. Students participating in these events perform at least twice a year.

Troy Middle School

All students in grade 6 & 8 receive general music instruction in music and the opportunity to participate in chorus, grade-level string orchestras and bands.

Troy High School

Troy High School offers a comprehensive music program. The following courses are offered:

  • Concert Choir
  • Concert Band
  • String Ensemble
  • Performing Arts Class
  • Jazz Ensemble/Pit Orchestra
  • Music in Our Lives
  • Music Technology