James Canfield, Principal
As an educator, administrator, and football coach I have attempted to reach the youth of the Troy community in which I was born and raised. My goal is always to make a personal connection to these young men and women to support them as they stay in school and build character through hard work, discipline, and being a part of a team/family.
I believe that you must have a service mindset if you are going to be productive in any educational leadership role. My attitude is that I work for the students, parents, school staff, and community. My question to anyone that I work with or for is “how can I help you”!
It is important for educators to teach students how to do school, how to access the help that is available for them and to support them during their time in overcoming Obstacles in their lives. I like to incorporate a success formula that will teach students to be successful in school and to be Overcomers in life.
My success formula for all my students is just this:
Stand Firm! Be a Fighter! Finish!
*Stand Firm – Never Give up. If you are going to accomplish anything worthwhile, It’s important to purposely set your face in that direction and never give up. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that everything in life should be easy for you. Ask for help, choose to be determined, press on, and never give up!
*Be a Fighter – Do not base your decisions on “how you feel” fight those feelings, base your decisions on what is the right thing to do!
*Finish – Always finish what you started. You have to endure to finish; which means you will experience Exhaustion, but you will Finish what you Started!
Bryan Cartwright, Assistant Principal
Elizabeth VonEitzen, School Counselor