Public Comment
A 30-day public comment period is open beginning July 1, 2024, on the following documents:
Policy 1400: Public Complaints
Policy 1900: Parent and Family Engagement
Policy 1900-E1: Title 1 Parental Involvement Parent and Family Engagement – School Level Approach
A 30-day public comment period is open beginning July 17, 2024, on the following documents:
Policy 5300: Code of Conduct
District Safety Plan
All Board of Education meetings are open to the public and provide an opportunity for input on agenda and non-agenda items.
You can access copies of Troy CSD’s Board Policies in our online policy manual here.
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The Board encourages the public to attend and participate in meetings.
- The first Wednesday includes regular BOE agenda items.
- Third Wednesday is a workshop meeting to discuss current District business, including presentations.
Budget development will be discussed at workshop meetings. Budget workshops begin in January, and special meetings are called as needed. They are announced in advance on the district website, The Troy Record and posted in every building.
Agendas for regular meetings and workshops will be posted on the website prior to meetings.
BOE YouTube Channel: