2024-2025 District Goals

Increase Proficiency

The number of students overall and for each subgroup measured for accountability achieving proficiency on Grades 3-8 ELA and Math assessments will increase as follows:
– 20% of our students who score at Level 1 will improve to Levels 2, 3 and 4 the following year
– 20% of our students who score at Level 2 will improve to Levels 3 and 4 the following year

Improve Student Engagement

Through improved student engagement in learning, development of citizenship values and use of behavioral interventions, violations of the student Code of Conduct will decline in each school by 5% each year.

Increase Regents Diploma Graduation Rate

The Regents diploma graduation rate from Troy High School will increase by 3% for each school year until it exceeds 90% and the number of students obtaining a Regents Diploma with Distinction will increase by 5% each year.

Improve Attendance

The percentage of students who are Chronically Absent, as defined by NYSED, will decrease in each building and districtwide by 2 percentage points each year for the next five years.

Improve Equity in Opportunities and Outcomes

Guided by the NYS Board of Regents Framework on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as well as the NYSED’s Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education framework, equity in opportunities and outcomes will be improved for all students throughout the district.