The Reopening Panel Discussion will be live-streamed on Thursday, August 13, at 6 p.m. via Google Meet. The public may submit questions for the panel to covid19@troycsd.org prior to the start of the event. Questions that we do not get to during the event, will be answered by email.
**Due to an influx of questions pertaining to the subject, the focus of tonight’s panel discussion will be on the Remote ONLY Learning Model. We will also discuss ventilation, district-provided masks, the school calendar, and transportation for high school students.**
Panel Members:
John Carmello, Superintendent
Dr. Donna Watson, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Erin Sheevers, Director of Technology
How to Access the Live Stream
The public can access the live stream using the following link: https://stream.meet.google.com/stream/feaef4c0-a61a-4acb-9879-e14e60c5965d
Users may need to use the following credentials to log in if they do not have a TroyCSD email address:
Username: meet@troycsd.org
Password: AugustMeet
The event will be recorded and shared at www.troycsd.org/reopening for those that are unable to watch the live stream.