During the January 17 Board of Education meeting, Superintendent John Carmello discussed the 2018-2018 budget development process. The District hopes to once again develop a budget that is both educationally sound and fiscally responsible. Click here to view the presentation.
He noted that at 86 percent, the 2017 graduation rates have increased by 3 percent from the the previous year and 10 percent from 2015. In addition, the achievement gap between Caucasian and African American students is now non existent. Proficiency rates in both math and ELA are also steadily increasing.
The Troy City School District is a high needs/low wealth district that is heavily reliant on State Aid. In fact, 60 percent of its revenues come from State Aid and yet it was underfunded by $8.1 million in Foundation Aid this school year.
While the Governor’s Executive Budget is still being reviewed and analyzed, at first glance, his proposed state aid figures are far too low.
The first draft of the budget will be presented during the February 7 Board of Education Meeting and Budget Workshop at Troy Middle School on February 7 at 6:30 p.m. Residents will vote on a proposed budget on May 15, 2018.