Jan 11, 2018 | District, Troy Middle School
Troy Middle School is proud to announce that the Girls Who Code Chapter has been renewed. The informational meeting will be held Wednesday, January 17 during recess. All middle school girls are welcome and encouraged to participate. Regular after-school meetings will start before the end of January on Mondays.
Jan 5, 2018 | District, Troy Middle School
On January 4, students in Grades 4 – 8 from all five elementary schools and Troy Middle School competed in the annual Troy City School District Spelling Bee. Congratulations to 1st Place winner Elisabeth McDonald,
2nd Place winner Angela Munao, and 3rd Place winner Inari Sohn, all from Troy Middle School. They advance to the Capital Region BOCES Spelling Bee on February 13 at Proctors Theater in Schenectady.
Sep 28, 2017 | District, Troy High School, Troy Middle School
On September 28, Troy High School hosted an opening ceremony to unveil the all-new greenhouse built on campus. The greenhouse project will be used by Troy High School and Troy Middle School students and students participating in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute STEP.
Aug 25, 2017 | District, Troy Middle School
Brian Matthews is the new principal’s assistant at Troy Middle School.
Jun 1, 2017 | District, Troy High School, Troy Middle School
On Wednesday, May 31, community members gathered at Troy Middle School to discuss “Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers.” New York Times Best Selling Author Nancy Jo Sales discussed the findings from her recent book, American Girls: Social Media...