Apr 2, 2020 | Troy Middle School
As of April 2, 2020, TMS teachers will begin distance learning with classes structured for new learning on Google Classroom. We have put together a Student Daily Schedule to help students maintain a daily routine. Click the link above for details.
Mar 17, 2020 | ALP, Carroll Hill, District, P-TECH, School 14, School 16, School 18, School 2, Troy High School, Troy Middle School
Please click on the link above to access your building’s Digital Learning Resources to use during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) class cancelation. Resources are broken down by grade level and subject.
Mar 4, 2020 | ALP, Carroll Hill, District, School 14, School 16, School 18, School 2, Troy High School, Troy Middle School
The Troy City School District is continuously monitoring the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. All schools will be closed for the rest of the academic school year. Click the link above for the most current information.