Hi TMS Families,
Please take note of the following changes to our dismissal/drop off and pick up. For safety purposes, only buses will be allowed in the auditorium lot during pick up and drop off. At entrance and dismissal, double parking will only be allowed on the school side of the street. Double parking is not allowed on the RPI side. At dismissal, all buses (with the exception of mini buses) will now be in the TMS auditorium lot. Students will no longer walk over to THS to get on their bus. We will release one grade level team at a time to make sure we have a well organized dismissal. The mini buses will now pick students up in the North teacher lot. To avoid congestion and traffic issues, that lot will no longer be used for parents to pick up students. We will make sure we work with our students to help them get adjusted to this new process. Please contact me with any questions.
Thank you,
Ian McShane
Building Principal