November 6, 2020

Dear Families,

I would like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone for your participation in Tuesday’s Remote Learning Day. The purpose of this day was to evaluate our readiness to teach and work completely remotely. While we hope we never have to pivot to this model, we know that the possibility exists, as we have seen with some of our neighboring districts. Being proactive and having the remote day yesterday will allow us to address any areas needing improvement, which will ensure a smoother transition should the need arise. If you have any concerns about yesterday or any feedback you would like to share, please contact your child’s school.

As we discussed at the beginning of the school year, you will have the opportunity to change your child’s learning model for the second half of the year. You may have received a phone call from your child’s school in the past week, checking in with you and asking your tentative plans.  You will need to make your official decision about the second half of the year by December 1st.  The form to make that choice will be coming out by November 16th.  Please keep in mind that, at this time, to ensure proper social distancing, classrooms and buses must continue to operate at a reduced capacity.  We will do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible.  However, depending on how many students choose to return to in-person learning, our model/plan may have to change.  That is why it is critically important for those families who are looking to change to fill the form out in a timely fashion.

Once again, the Learning and Transportation Choice Form will be sent out by November 16th.  Please complete it by December 1st, ONLY if you’re requesting a change. If you would like to continue with your current model, no action is required.

Finally, we have been encouraged and proud of the way our students and staff have handled these challenging and difficult times. Now is not the time to become complacent. With Thanksgiving and the Holiday break approaching, and colder weather settling in, I urge you to please remain vigilant in helping to prevent the spread of the virus. Please avoid unnecessary travel, as well as large gatherings.  As a reminder, if and when we are notified of a positive case, we will contact parents/guardians of the impacted building directly. We also report this information to the NYS COVID Report Card in our daily report, as well as post a summary on our website (  

Remember we are all in this together.  Please continue to do your part by practicing social distancing, washing and sanitizing your hands, and wearing a mask.  We will continue to do our part by enforcing our procedures and protocols for the health and safety of our entire school community.

Thank you.


John Carmello

Superintendent of Schools