Class of 2020,
You are almost there! Hang in there and finish strong! There are a few events and dates that I want to get out to you:
Monday (6/15) – AWARDS PRESENTATIONS. The awards that we normally distributed on Class Night and at the Athletic Awards banquet will be announced virtually on the school district website and our district Facebook. These will be separate videos that will be posted in the early evening for you to watch at your leisure.
Friday (6/19) 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.- CAP AND GOWN DISTRIBUTION and Awards pickup. Seniors are to come to the high school, where outside the front entrance of the main gymnasium, we will be distributing caps and gowns and distributing the awards to the academic and athletic awards winners. Please remember that the caps and gowns are $20 and only CASH will be accepted.
YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION – At this time, we still do not have the yearbooks in our possession and we don’t have an exact date. The yearbook company is backed up but did promise a delivery date during the week of 6/22 – 6/26. When we get an exact date, we will let you know as we will arrange a time and location for pick-up.
Sunday (6/28) morning hours – GRADUATION. We are still in the planning stages but we are planning a significant graduation celebration on our football field! As soon as plans are complete, the particulars on this event will be communicated.
Please continue to read your school emails and visit our district website and social media for any new updates. Thank you all for your patience and understanding. You are an amazing Class!
Principal Mariano