Troy City School District residents have approved a $114,174,990 budget for the 2019-2020 school year. Three candidates were elected to the Board of Education.
The official results of the budget vote are 564 (yes) to 143 (no). This budget will result in a 1-percent tax levy increase – a figure that is $326,455 below the allowable tax cap of 1.89 percent.
This educationally sound and fiscally responsible 2019-2020 school budget not only maintains the District’s current programs and staff, but also adds necessary supports. This includes mental health supports as well as program expansion in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).
Three candidates were elected to the Board of Education for three-year terms effective July 1, 2019:
Anne Wager-Rounds, Incumbent (476); Ann Apicella, Incumbent (469); and Ebony Pompey-Conway (431).
“Thank you to the Troy CSD residents for voting in favor of our 2019-2020 budget,” said Superintendent John Carmello. “We are confident that this budget will allow us to not only continue to offer the high-quality and comprehensive education our residents expect, but to expand our programs and supports to give all of our students the opportunities they deserve.”
“Thank you to the community for taking the time to vote in support of our 2019-2020 budget,” said Board of Education President Tom Mayo. “Thank you to the Board of Education, the Troy CSD administrators and the Citizens Advisory Committee for their work in developing the plan. Congratulations to Anne Wager-Rounds and Ann Apicella on their re-election to the Board and welcome to new board member Ebony Pompey-Conway.”