The undefeated Troy High School Quiz Bowl team is now qualified for yet another national tournament. In addition to the Atlanta NAQT Tournament Memorial Day Weekend, the team is also hoping to attend the PACE tournament in Washington D.C. in June.
The team has set up a gofundme page to help with the cost of both trips.
“There’s much more of a commitment this year,” said Nancy Smith, team leader. “Donations will help get them to these tournaments where they will meet people form all over the country.”
Locally, the team is now qualified for the finals.
“Going to these national tournaments outside of MasterMinds is a testament to us working harder and having a stronger work ethic,” said senior Alex Pyle. “We work well as a team and what we excel at individually balances out very well.”
In addition, Alex also competed in a national individual player competition in Chicago where he came in third out of 134 competitors.